Church Renovations

Last updated on 3 April 2024

Plans are in preparation to give our parish church a much needed makeover.

The first church in Campbelltown was built up on the hill; the foundation stone was laid in December 1824, but it was not opened officially until 31 August 1841, 6 years after the parish of St John’s Campbelltown was established in 1835. The hike up the hill on foot began to be overly strenuous for many parishioners, so land along Cordeaux and Lindsay streets was purchased in the 1840s.

In March 1886, Fr James Dunne signed a contract to build a new church on the present site. It was in use by the end of 1886, but officially blessed and opened on 22 May 1887. By the 1950s, the Campbelltown area began to grow and develop, and there was a campaign to build a new church in 1960-61. This did not come to fruition, so extensions to the church were built instead to provide for the large number of people who had come to worship at St John’s. That is the last time that significant renovations have been made – it is well past time to refresh and renew the interior of the church, and to highlight the original bones of the 1886 church, while providing a more welcoming and functional space for the appropriate celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments.

The parish is currently engaging in a consultation process of the people of God and ask for your input into the design and renovations. We are looking to finalise the plans and to receive permission from the Bishop and Diocese of Wollongong and then the local Council later in 2024. If you would like to comment, please complete the form below.

Notes from the Architect – David Manché:

There are obviously numerous improvements proposed for the building, many of which are restoration and conservation based however, some of the more significant works proposed include:

  • All new landscaping works and pavement upgrades to the church forecourt including a new disabled access ramp.
  • Reconfiguration of the adjoining car parking area to provide 3 x compliant disabled parking spaces and improved traffic management for school drop-off and pick-up periods, improving safety for children and vision for drivers.
  • Restoration of the stained-glass windows throughout the church as well as enclosing of the north-west corner balcony area.
  • Reconfiguration of the confessionals to the northwestern foyer space.
  • Addition of a new combined Piety Stall & Coffee service space in the southwestern foyer in concert with adjoining landscaping works to activate the Lindesay/Cordeaux St corner of the site as an outdoor fellowship area.
  • New male & female amenities to replace the existing single toilet.
  • Conversion of the western corridor to an Adoration Chapel space.
  • Improved accessibility throughout the church, both around the church exterior and into the Sacristy and up to the Altar areas.  
  • Complete refit of the Sacristy and utility areas of the church.
  • Installation of a large skylight in the main foyer to compliment a full update of the space, including restoration of many of the original features and materials.
  • Reinstating of the choir loft as a dedicated space for musicians and the choir.

All of the above will be complimented by the restoration and updating of the finishes throughout the church (i.e. floors, walls, ceilings, decorations).

A new Altar and Lectern will be selected; the original Tabernacle from Old Saint Johns will be restored and placed as the centre piece of the Sanctuary.